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Best way to get rid of Rats in your Home


Rat Control in the Home: Rat Habits, Nesting, Reproducing and Effective Ways of Rat Control

Rat Control: Rat Habits, Nesting, Reproducing, and Ways of Control

In the United Kingdom, there are about 150 million rats. In fact, London is the city that has the highest rat population with about 20 million rats living in the city. Because rats can be so dangerous for your health and can cause damage to your property, it is essential to learn more about their habits and the best way to get rid of rats in your home and ways that you can remove a rat infestation.

Do you want to learn more about the best way to get rid of rats in your home and methods of rat control in the home? Keep reading this article for everything you need to know about rat habits, how they nest and reproduce, and the best methods for rat pest control.

Common Rat Habits

Rats are creatures of habit. Because of this, learning to recognise these habits can help you identify signs of a rat infestation in your home or workplace.

First, rats are most active during the night, so this is when you are most likely to hear or see rats in your home. Often, you can hear scratching noises in your roof or walls, as rats are good climbers.

Rats also chew through nearly anything. Often, rats will chew through cords and wires in your home, your furniture, and more. If you hear a grinding noise in your home at night, this may be a sign that rats are in your home.

Another thing that rats commonly do is take the same pathways through your home. Because rats are dirty and a bit greasy, these leave track marks, also known as rat runways. As the rats travel through your building day after day, you will notice these foot and tail marks, especially in dusty areas of your building.

If you suspect a rat infestation, you can leave flour or another type of powder on the area and see if there are new tracks.

How Do Rats Nest?

Rat nests are one of the ways you can spot a sign of a rat infestation. Rats are known for digging and will often excavate tunnels for their shelter, food, and nesting. These burrows are typically near solid objects, like buildings.

You can also find rat nests in hidden areas of your home, like a loft, under the eaves, and even inside your walls. While these nests may be hard to spot, there are a few things that may be easy to notice.

For example, rats use shredded materials to make their nests. This includes things like fabric, insulation, cardboard, paper, and other soft items. If you notice shredded materials around your property, this may be the sign that rats are nesting.

Rat Reproduction

Rats, like other animals, are very quick breeders. Because of this, it can be difficult to get an infestation under control. By learning more about the breeding habits of rats, you can prevent them from choosing your property for their breeding ground.

Rats start to breed when they are about four or five weeks old, with each litter having anywhere from five to twelve babies. Rats can have several litters a year and can live up to three years.

Because of this, your rat infestation can soon become overwhelming if you do not fix the situation as soon as possible.

Best Methods of Rat Control

If you have recognised any of these common rat habits, you must contact a local rat exterminator to take care of the issue. They will provide you with the best options to remove these pests. This way, you can prevent them from spreading diseases or causing damage to your home.

One important part of rat control is maintaining your garden. When there is a lot of debris or rubbish on your property, it makes your garden an appealing place for a rat to hide or nest.

Keeping your property clean will prevent rats from coming into your home or workplace in the first place. Make sure you also seal any holes into your home, keep your home clean, and keep your food in sealed containers.

If you have already found rats on your property, you may want to start with trapping for pest control. This is a safe way to control rats, as they can be used over and over again. Plus, it is easy to see if they are effective, as you will see if the traps have caught any pests.

Next, you can use rodenticides. These are different types of poisons and baits that you can leave for rats. However, this can also be lethal for other animals that eat the bait. Plus, you may find that the rats die in hidden areas of your home, which will cause a rotting smell in your home.

Finally, the most important part of rat control is preventing the problem in the first place. When you hire a pest control service, they will help you discover non-chemical methods that will help you prevent rats from breeding on your property.

Need Help With Pest Control Services?

Rats are a serious problem in the UK for homeowners and business owners. Because they can spread disease and cause other problems, you must learn to recognise these common rat habits to prevent them from spreading.

Are you looking for a rat exterminator in the UK? Hamptons Groundcare and Pest Control can help! Our team offers discreet pest management in Cambridgeshire, Bedford, Suffolk, and surrounding areas.

Contact us today to learn more about our methods of rat control and to get a free, no-obligation quote from our pest control experts!

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